The power of location intelligence
Telecommunications in Philippines
Location intelligence in telecom
The client would like to leverage the power of geospatial data and create a data-driven products that can be sold to B2B clients.
Accelerate telco’s data and provided a compelling location-based solution platform
UX Research
UX Design
Providing a channel to resell their data

A telco data monetisation solution that turn thousands of data into spatial insights for a wide range of industries. Working closely with the team, we created a POC of a B2B location-based platform to monetise mobile data insights collected across its network. We turned complicated data into appealing and easy to understand infographics where it is able to provide valuable insights for effective and actionable data driven decision-making.

Make adjustments to the overall design

The team has finished the initial POC in phrase one. In this phrase two, we mainly focus on the UI/UX enhancement. We changed the scoring ui into a snowflake presentation that gives users an instant snapshot of a location helping them decide if it is worth researching further. We also added a select by use cases function where users can able to get full understanding of the trends and performances that cater to their purpose and needs. Besides, the enhanced compare location function allows users to select location by hovering the map or search by key words with recommended locations. It can review and compare for up to three locations at the same time to provide a full analysis. With all this, users are able to get insights and make spatially-aware decisions.